For women: Nymphomania



Treatment nymphomania

Nymphomania is a pathological sexual inclination at the women, shown in impetuous aspiration to sexual rapproachement with different partners. At men the similar deviation(rejection) carries the name satyriasis. Nymphomania it is possible to consider(examine) as a syndrome, described constant aspiration to sexual contacts; its(his) reason can be persuasive conditions or aggressive tendencies. The such reasons cause the uncontrollable behaviour directed on aspiration to sexual contacts to any person, irrespective of its(his) age, appearance and even a floor. Absolute promiscuity (the chaotic sexual relations with many partners) distinguishes the woman suffering nymphomania, from the woman showing expressed sexual activity, but capable in a much greater measure to supervise the sexual behaviour that is expressed in the certain selection of the partner.

Allocate some versions nymphomania: nymphomania, caused by the frequent attacks of sexual excitation arising on a background of organic defeat of a brain or hormonal frustration; nymphomania within the limits of a manic condition; nymphomania on a background of exclusively strong congenital sexual inclination; nymphomania imaginary, at which woman for the different reasons of psychological and social character are compelled(forced) to support(maintain) numerous sexual contacts to many partners. There is a point of view, according to(agree) which nymphomania - the hypertrophied sexual inclination of persuasive or supervaluable character in which basis the discord between a biological and mental component libido lays. At nymphomania excitation has subjective character and is not accompanied by specific changes of blood supply of a muscular tone of female genitals, and orgazm is reached(achieved) hardly or does not come at all. However persuasive character of a sexual inclination pushes the woman on frequent change of partners though sexual contacts of full satisfaction do not bring. In opinion of some the sexologists, only the given variant of increase libido concerns to true nymphomania and meets at mental infringements. It(he) should be distinguished from pathological hypersexuality at various defeats of deep structures of a brain, in particular gipotalamusa.


Anonymous said...

Given that Nymphomania has been dismissed as a useful, diagnosable or real condition by official medical authorities for several decades now, and could be argued to be more a symptom of 18th and 19th century attitudes to women's sexuality than a medical condition as we know it, would it be best to revise or delete this article? Otherwise there's a danger that women reading this who have a relatively higher sex drive than others could worry themselves un-necessarily that there is something wrong with them, when in fact they are perfectly OK?

Petra said...
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Anonymous said...

I just know from personal experience (temporary nymphomania one time at age 46) that it FEELS pathological to go from celibate and disinterested in sexual behavior (disinterested to the point of disgusted) to obsessed and capable of endless gratification in just a few days! Plus there ARE physical changes that for me persisted for over 2 weeks! I was unable to even feed myself so consumed I was! Crazy and where did it go?