For women: The Japanese Geisha - what they?


The Japanese Geisha - what they?

It semenit completed work on the streets of mankind, vydelyayas bright spot among the classic business suits ordinary clerks and employees belolitsaya women in colorful Kimono, heavy wooden sandals and monumental hairstyle. This makes serving tea houses, business clubs, a "attribute" and the cultural traditions of many presentations and business gatherings. Geisha can invite guest "at night" as a sign of special respect, the society can be purchased for a very, in fact, serious money. So maybe it's just simply nothing romantic Project expensive prostitute?

No, no and no again. Strictly speaking, the girls, of course, has its own view of morality, do not have anything to do with Europe, but this is attributable to characteristics of the Japanese national fabric. Home that are unique to women light conduct is the overarching, which does not include objective "cut to the customer as much cabbage." Geisha is the embodiment of dreams every Japanese man, full conformity to the ideal woman.

In the former capital of Kyoto, Japan still has okeyyu-girls school, where most young girls are taught to sing, to dance, to conduct a tea ceremony, play syamisene, barabane- tsutsume and Japanese flute. That's because a respected Japanese never nabrositsya to women as brutal bear; Even if he "strongly" izgolodalsya still will first hour or two fuel their passion intellectual communication with a woman who skilful bypass and the ability to support virtually interview all tracks make this evening is fun. Geisha also have serious skills psychologist and psychotherapist, because for each guest to find a suitable topic for discussion, offer music taste, dance, which can only upset him. This is especially important because, in the ancient tradition of this country, other Japanese women can never afford to talk with men on an equal footing.

A separate and equally complex art is the ability to correctly naryazhatsya: German should not only be on a dvadtsatikilogrammovy along with heavy Kimono jackets with a belt and sandals lead, but also with many zakolok haircut and fingers. Hairstyle, by the way, is the most difficult part of the appearance of a Geisha, so constructing about once a week for a special hairdresser, but at other times sleep, putting the head of the special roll.

Today, every major Japanese PM or official believes honour to have constant content, in addition to his wife, and even makes the road. Honey is not one that young and beautiful, and the most experienced, skilful in the art of conversation and educated. Before such geyshey on Eve Tombouctou most aromatic fingers-Ohan. Sex? Of course, it is not impossible, and even implied. But while sex with geishas always is a purely voluntary, and the right to choose will be something from you with geyshey or not, it is itself. Young girls (at least 18 years), hesitant at first sexual intercourse, sends male applicants rice cakes ekubo, centred prodavlivaetsya small vpadinka red. Applicants for the first night of krasavitsey collected in her home and arrange some kind of reverential auction: alternately offer lady heart that everyone who can.

Modern School "Geisha" is now in major Russian cities, such as Moscow. The main aim of the school is to help a young person to acquire knowledge, women's beauty secrets and experience the ancient tradition with modern scientific approach to communication, as well as learn the art of building a strong and harmonious relationship with a man.


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