For women: Eastern recipes - incense own hands


Eastern recipes - incense own hands

East famous for its exotic aromas. Particularly popular in the East voskurenie aromas. Fimiamov history dates back to the first human experiments with fire. Once the ancient people had learned to produce light, they noticed that some wood dripped with burning more pleasant scent than others and have different effects on the psyche and health. Later a tradition specifically add to the fire and aromatic plants in a way to please the gods. In these days of the relationship between voskureniem aromas, religion, magic and medicine were virtually inseparable.

Spray simmering aromas used not only for flavouring air of smoke could navevat cheerful mood, cause love sex, protect against bad eyes and remove damage, treat headaches and even facilitate generic battle, given warm clothes and hair and have another effect.

In ancient times, was the main supplier of aromas South Arabia. In the famous trade caravan routes wows "Maria, incense and other aromatic resins, as well as better rose oil, some spices and flowers zasushennye delivered to Egypt, Front Asia, Greece, Rome and India. A great pride incense were in Egypt, ancient Mesopotamia, Babylon, Assyria and other realms. For example, the Assyrian king Sardanapal when he overthrew with treason, elected as a death penalty on a fire sandals, and which had suffocated with his wife in a cloud of aromatic smoke. Assyrians and Vavilonyane voskuryali incense, and to get rid of sins.

It is through wows people first learned how to fight infectious diseases. Indeed, almost all resins have strong antimicrobial properties. For example, in ancient Egypt, was overcome so-called "temple disease." After the crowded ceremonies and prayers are sick easily communicable diseases, often fatal. This raised the fear of temples and threatened the prosperity religion. But priests have noticed that when voskurenii in temples aromas gods are merciful in spirits and stop nasylat human disease. It was discovered one way disinfection facilities and practices voskureniya aromas rooted in churches.

About the widespread use of aromas and presents the Bible : "The Lord obonyal pleasant and warm ... (Book of Genesis). And among the many commandments given to Moses, and the rules were for the construction of an altar aromatic voskureny to glorify God, as well as cooking aromatics and sacrifice smoking.

Incense find its place in Islam. The Prophet Mohammed said that "from all over the world are most encouraged by the heart of children, women and incense." Some Hadith paradise described as a beautiful place where the land is soaked musk. In ancient China Musk also valued highly. And not only for the fragrance, it felt able to heal almost every disease known to the world.

Temples of India since ancient times built sandals, and inside the temple to burn smoking wand. Perhaps the Indian word "church" in Sanskrit means "house burn." Incense used in funeral rites : if the deceased was rich, the funeral pyre threw no ordinary wood and wood varieties blagovonnyh - Sandalwood, junipers and others.

In ancient China the single word "fragrance" identify as incense, and fragrances masi, extraction of oil and herbs. Chinese napolnyali pleasant smell not only homes and temples and umaschivali blagovoniyami body, they also aromatizirovali clothing, ink, paper, cosmetics, water bath, and the foundations of traditional fans were nourished from sandals.

But in the art erected burning wows Japanese, but to Japan this ritual went relatively late compared with other countries is only about 500 years said. E. Special schools are teaching (and trained so far) Kodo-art perfume and fimiamov. The students in these schools are learning to produce and correct FLUGER incense. The training programme includes special ritual dances performed before voskureniem. Famous Japanese Geisha for calculating the value of the guest with them on the evening of burnt blagovonnyh sticks.

Species composition and aromas

Incense may be different in form : a mixture, bricks, sticks, cones, oils. By way voskureniya incense are divided into two types :

1. Non incense. This incense as a District mixtures of small sticks or balls. Such voskuryayut in incense censer, which put them on a hot coal. This is voskuryali burn over many millennia. This is a very delighted, are also the easiest to make incense. Particularly popular this type of aromas in the Arab world.

2. Combustible incense. In such blagovoniyah (usually in the form of cones or sticks) finely shredded aromatic ingredients mixed with combustible material. The technology of producing such aromas more complicated, but for voskureniya not require any additional accessories. Cone or wand first lit, give a little disciple, and then zaduvayut fire, leaving aromas fester. This type of aromas traditionally used in China, Japan and Southeast Asia.

A aromas usually includes resin, aromatic wood species, some of the spices, herbs, flowers and roots and sometimes essential oils. I need to note that most of the smell of burning aromas strikingly different from their smell normal. Moreover, as in the case of spirits, the scent aromas can be divided into three main "music". The first note-fly-you feel as soon as podozhzhete incense. Sometimes it can even seem uncomfortable. But the smell quickly turning into a central music, which is the "heart" aroma aromas. This unique combination of fragrances can be snorted for several hours. A complete sense, the final picture "smear" gives final note, which is usually a substance to capture the smell. Final note aromas of good quality can be felt for a long time, sometimes even several days.

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