For women: Your zastolny etiquette


Your zastolny etiquette

Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who. Or look at how eating your satellite or a new friend, and make conclusions. Etiquette is not a frivolous conditionalities for snobov and bigots, and the only common language, the best way to express wise for others. Follow etiquette is to feel as raskovanno not bringing trouble to others. In addition, each of us, one way or another, are not faced with such things as official dinners, corporate receptions, familiarity with business partners or relatives of their beloved. And if in this situation you can reach not only interesting and intelligent interlocutor in communication, but also socialized, cultural and neat people, the bond will increase your success twice.

At table

Do not hurry to begin immediately to the food. First off, try to keep the back straight, lean not on the table. You know the neighbors on the table if you are not able to do this before. Supporting the interview, try not to touch the most sensitive topics, and especially not to tax the interlocutors. And do not plan to talk about the disease, and other diet is not the most perfect objects. In no case did not Criticize filed meals and drinks. But if you pointeresuetes recipe tasty dishes, hosts dinner will be very pleased. It is considered indecent obsession remarks like "first, I was not a broad, it is not like this" or "I do not drink."

Equipment and Accessories

A linen towel placed on the knees. If you suddenly have too hot in the mouth piece, quietly and gently try to devour it, zapiv cold water. Lynch knife or fork, in any case, do not try to raise and calmly ask to replace them. Finished with the dishes, not otodvigayte plate, and put her knife and fork parallel to each other. If not ending there, you decide to pause, put a fork and knife boxes, then cross your plate is not removed. Never zapivayte with a full mouth, but can be done only with coffee or sweet tea.

Soups and broths

Puree soup back and lodged in special dish, you must first have spoons. When the soup is cool, you can gently dopit it directly from the cup, but in a more formal events is not recommended. Blowing in the soup can : first, it simply indecent, secondly, you can inadvertently Drabble herself or others. If soup reach large pieces of meat or vegetables, gently mincer their spoons. Zacherpyvayut soup spoons, while its own diagonally from the right side to the left. Tilted on spoons not want to carefully hold it directly to his mouth. When a fancy dish is a little soup, it does not get better, but it may be that of a meal at home.


Meat can be divided into two types : Grinding (croquettes, meatballs, steaks) and lumps (hot, Chops). Cutting with a knife first-awful moveton, then break off and there are forks, but it should be kept in the left arm, as for garnish, you still would use a knife. But meat cooked piece, always eat with a knife and forks. Most secular way to cut one piece and send in the mouth. But you can eat "and the American" : first, cut the whole piece of meat into small pieces, a knife and postpone their forks in the right arm.


Contrary to prevailing opinion, it does not eat with their hands. In decent houses and restaurants game chop at convenient portions pieces, which could be a knife and forks. If a slop-basin on the table for finger or wet wipes, you can take a piece of his hands and doest balances meat. And if such devices do not, then that can not be separated from the bones, better left in the plate.


Fish eat an ordinary knife and forks (if it is very strong : marinated or smoked), a special forks and fish knife (when it stew, roast or sauce), or two forks tableware. However, she has not cut down and away and let pieces of fillet. Fish bone, not razzhimaya lips, reach through the plugs and put in the deep edge of dish.

Bread and butter

On the left of the main dish they usually put a little skeet. From lying on her small pieces of bread otlamyvayut-needed size at once. If they aloe oil, then gently putting on the plates. Sandwiches filed at the table, eat with a knife and forks. Butter, jelly and jam that are made to them namazyvali bread, you put bread on plates, and then gaining a knife. The only thing that is acceptable to take and knife and forks, is a soft cheese.


The general rule at the table to eat with cutlery. Small melons, kiwi fruit and papaya cut in half and eat with spoons. Big melons and watermelons to feed on the table chop into pieces to eat forks and knives. Chop apples and pears to a plate of four to eight cloves, then carving of each heart, stop to dish hands. Plums and peaches, if bone easily separated from the fruit razlamyvayut in half and eat with their hands. Fruit pits densely prirosshey eat forks and knives. Orange placed on the plate, nadrezayut skin vertically, gently remove its share of the fruit portion and eat with their hands. In mandarin easier - they simply lifted off the skin, it must not incise. Strawberries, fresh, directly to bed, served with fruit on the plates, and the edge of whipped cream added to obmakivat their berries. Strawberries, raspberries or strawberries, whipped cream polituyu eat spoon. Fruit pits come with spoon and put on the edge of dish.


Absolutely not priemletsya drink tea from the plates, there makat ïåíüåì and prosovyvat fingers in the cup handle. Cakes and cakes should not have hands, and dessert spoons.

And there are two very simple rules : 1) if you do not know how to come to an unfamiliar dishes, and better left undisturbed and 2) if you do not know something or ancient, then see how it makes your neighbors on the desk and try gently repeat.

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